6 Best Lower Back Stretches While Standing
There’s no question that back pain is a condition that tends to affect most office workers. The truth is that no matter if you use a regular desk or a standing desk, you are still going to feel back pain.
One of the things that you may not know is that the human body isn’t prepared to be in the same position for a very long time. So, when this happens, just like when you are sitting at the office during the entire day, you will start adopting awkward positions that lead to poor posture.
The reality is that you just can’t quit your job just because you suffer from back pain. However, there are things that you can do that can not only prevent back pain as they can also provide some relief.

The first thing that you should keep in mind is that you should always have a good ergonomic office chair. After all, a good ergonomic office chair allows you to ensure that it fits both your body as well as your needs.
But, as you probably already know, even with an ergonomic office chair, it is important that you keep your body moving throughout the day. And this is why so many experts state that you should take regular breaks. You should use these breaks to stretch your legs but also to perform some lower back stretches while standing.
So, with this in mind, we decided to show you some of the best lower back stretches while standing that you can perform at the office.
Table of Contents
6 Lower Back Stretches While Standing
#1: Standing Trunk Extension Stretch:

In order to do this stretch at the office, you will need to stand with your feet shoulders width apart. Then, just place your hands in the small of your back for support. At this moment, you should stat leaning backward slowly. This will allow you to increase the arch of your lower back. You should continue until you feel a mild stretch in the abdominal muscles and slight pressure in your lower back.
You should try to hold this position between 15 to 20 seconds and you should repeat this stretch 3 to 5 times per session.
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#2: Standing Quadriceps / Hip Flexor Stretch:
When you are looking for lower back stretches standing, then you should try this one.
All you need to do is to stand. Now, you should hold onto your desk to get support and then put your right foot up on a chair behind you. Besides, it is important that you make sure that your left foot (the one that is on the ground) is pointing forward as well as your knee should bend slightly. You should now slowly push your pelvis forward while, at the same time, you contract your glutes. You should feel a stretch on your thigh and on the front of your hip.
You should hold this position between 15 to 20 seconds. Repeat 3 to 5 times on each side.
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#3: Bending Backward And Forward:

Again, to do this stretch, you will need to stand. Make sure that your spine is aligned and that you are relaxed and with your hands at your sides. To ensure that you are ready for this stretch, you should breathe deeply.
Now, it’s time to start bending forward slowly. Make sure that your arms are completely relaxed. So, they should drop and hang below you.
Notice that it is normal to feel a light tension on your lower back. However, if you feel pain while leaning forward, you should stop immediately and try the other lower back stretches standing on this list.
So, when you start feeling slight stretching in your lower back, then it is time to stop leaning and simply maintain the position. You shouldn’t bounce to gt farther downward either. Just hold this position for about ten seconds and then raise up to a standing position again. As you are leaning backward, you may bend your knees slightly to maintain your balance.
As you bend backward, you should place your hands on your hips. Again, you should stop if you feel any pain. In case you don’t, just hold the position for about 10 seconds again.
Now, it is time to return to standing erect. Make sure that you repeat these stretches 2 or 3 more times.
#4: Standing Desk Hamstring Stretch:
In case you use a standing desk at work, then this stretch is perfect for you.
All you need to do is to place your right leg on top of your standing desk’s chair or stool and then grab your toes with both hands. Make sure that you lean forward at the hips.
Hold this position for about 30 seconds and then switch legs.
#5: Standing Desk Quadriceps Stretch:

Again, this stretch is perfect if you use a standing desk.
In this case, you should hold the standing desk with your left hand for balance. Then, just bend your quadricep behind you and grab it with your right hand. You should now pull your right foot to your rear and then hold this position for about 30 seconds. Switch legs and do the same exercise.
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#6: Standing Desk Back Stretch:
For this stretch, you should place both your hands on top of your standing desk. Make sure that you bring your feet together and then bend at the hips and lower your upper body between your arms. Make sure that your hands are always on your desk.
You should try to maintain this position for about 30 seconds.
Bottom Line
As you can see, there are plenty of lower back stretches standing that you can perform a the office. And the best part is that you can still perform the no matter if you use a regular desk or a standing desk.
Make sure that you make frequent breaks throughout the day and that you take the time to stretch your muscles. In case you don’t feel like doing these stretches, just take a walk around the office.