Desk Exercises

3 Ways How To Stretch Your Upper Back At Office Desk

By now, you should already know that sitting too much or for too long is bad for your health. However, you need to do it. After all, you need to work to pay your bills at the end of the month and to provide for your family.

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In case you aren’t still aware of the many health problems sedentarism can cause, you need to know that there have been made many different studies about this topic and they all point in the same direction. High blood pressure, heart disease, weight gain, and even an increased risk of dying are part of the health issues that you may have to deal with when you sit for many hours.

So, what can you do?


Now that you know that your job can be hurting your health, you also need to know that there are solutions that don’t involve quitting your job. While doing physical activities outside the office is always a good idea just as having a healthy diet, the truth is that there is something that you should do regularly at the office that can also help – desk exercises.

One of the things that many people think when they read the word exercise is that they need to go to the gym or take some time of their day to exercise at home. However, when you need to sit for many hours straight at the office, you should definitely try some desk exercises that can help you with your overall health.


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Whenever you need a break from the screen or are simply changing tasks in the middle of the day, take this opportunity to do some desk exercises. The truth is that you should try to do them once per hour. However, we also understand that you may not have the availability to do so. So, try to make as many desk exercises as you can throughout the day.


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Here are the best 3 ways to do some desk exercises that can help you improve your overall health and especially, to stretch your upper back:

#1: The Cat/Cow Stretch:

In case you have a cat, you probably know exactly what we mean by a cat stretch. The truth is that cats have one big advantage over humans: they never stop stretching, not even when they are old. When they wake up, the first thing they do is to stretch their paws. This helps them maintain their agility. So, why can’t you do the same?

All you need to do is to sit up straight. Make sure that your feet are flat on the floor. Then, put your palms on top of your knees. Now, while you inhale, you should arch your back and, at the same time, look up and pull your shoulders back as much as you can. During the exhale, you should round your spine and pull your shoulders toward each at the front of your body. Just let your head drop toward the chest at the same time. You should do this between 8 to 10 times.

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#2: The Chest Opener:


Many people who have desk jobs often complain about the pain they feel on their necks. So, hopefully, this desk exercise will provide you with some relief.

All you need to do is to sit straight up just like you did in the previous desk exercise. Make sure that your feet are flat on the ground. Now, instead of placing your hands on your knees, you should interlace your fingers behind you. Try to place your arms at the top of your office chair and let your chin drop toward your chest. Try to do this desk exercise 8 to 10 times.

#3: Seated Spinal Twist:


The last desk exercise that you can easily to at the office can help you relieve the tension from sitting for a long time in the same position.

In order to do this desk exercise, you should sit with your back perpendicular to the back of the chair. Just like in the previous desk exercises, you need to sit up straight and with your feet flat on the floor. In this desk exercise, you will need to place your hands on the back of your chair and, by simply using your arms, twist and pull yourself toward the chair. Then, change sides and do the same. Repeat this desk exercise for 8 to 10 times.

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