stretch your claves
Desk Exercises

How To Stretch Your Calves At Your Office

No matter if you are looking for some desk exercises to do at the office or for some exercises that you can do at home, the truth is that most people tend to forget about their calves. The truth is that people tend to forget more frequently about the muscles that are further away from their torso and only concentrate their energies on the torso muscles. However, this isn’t something that you should do. After all, you probably already felt your calves feeling tight and nag.

stretch your claves

Take a look at the top chairs for any office.

One of the things that you need to know about your calves muscles is that they are very important for your leg movements. In fact, if you don’t exercise them often, you will end up feeling imbalances, pain, and even inefficiencies on other parts of your body as well.

Your calves are made up of 2 muscles and they should both be exercised. The truth is that they are the muscles that connect your knee to the bottom of your heel.

Try these desk exercises for your upper back.

While there are a lot of complaints from people who have a desk job and need to sit for many hours straight at the office, one of the most common ones is calf tightness. After all, if you think about it, it’s not difficult to understand. When you need to sit for many hours (or if you tend to wear high heels during the entire day), your calves get tighter throughout the day. After all, you are always in the same position. And this happens to your ankle and knee joints as well. This is why so many specialists state that you should walk around the office on a regular basis. A simple 5 to 10 minute walk each hour may be enough.


So, how can you stretch your calves at the office?

Here are some ideas:

#1: When You Are Seated In The Floor:

Just find a calm place and sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. Now, slightly bend your knees and flex your feet. Now, it’s time to lean forward and trying to place your hands around your foot ball. Gently pull until you see that your toes are pointing towards your body. Do this desk exercise for each side separately.


Take a look at the top office chairs that recline for naps. 

#2: Isometric Calf Stretches:

Don’t get sacred with the name because this desk exercise is very simple. You just need to sit again on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. You should also bend your legs and place your hands on the balls of your feet. Now, only using your hands, try to move your toes toward your chin. When you feel that you are already stretching your calves, it’s time to point your toes forward this time. Make sure that your hands are forcing them in the opposite direction while maintaining your feet in place, without moving.


See also  3 Ways How To Stretch Your Upper Back At Office Desk

#3: When You Are Seated In The Office Chair:


In order to do this desk exercise, you don’t need to sit on the floor. You just need to sit in your office chair. Make sure that you are sitting on the edge of the sit and that your back is straight. Your feet should be flat on the floor and your legs should be bent. Now, try to flex your foot as much as you can while bringing your toes toward your chin. In case you want to be more effective, you can also try to reach the ball of your foot with your hand and pull.

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