Kneeling Chairs

Are Kneeling Chairs Good For Your Posture And Back?

When you are a desk worker, you may have already noticed that you spend a lot of time tossing and turning to find a good sitting position. After all, you just spend a lot of time sitting and you don’t want to end up with back pain at the end of each workday. So, if you are tired of this routine, you should start to think about if are kneeling chairs good for you. 


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The truth is that the popularity of kneeling chairs has been increasing in the last couple of years. And one of the reasons is the fact that there are already many different studies that show their amazing benefits to your overall posture and, consequently, to your overall health. 

However, one question remains – are kneeling chairs good for you?


Discover the best office chairs for lower back pain.

In order to answer to this question, we decided to show you the main benefits and disadvantages of kneeling chairs. This way, you will have a better idea about how they work and if kneeling chairs can be a good option for you. 

See also  How To Choose A Kneeling Chair

Benefits Of Kneeling Chairs: 

  • When you believe that you need to improve your sitting posture, you should definitely consider buying a kneeling chair. The truth is that when you sit on one, your pelvis will be tilted forward as well as your spine will adopt the correct alignment. With this pelvis position, your health will benefit since your digestion and breathing will be improved as well. 
  • One of the main kneeling chair benefits that you will experience is the strengthening of your back and core muscles. This happens since the kneeling chairs don’t include a backrest support. 
  • In case you are in doubt between buying a traditional office chair and a kneeling chair, you need to know that while the first one creates a 90 degrees position, the second one creates a 110 degrees position. While this doesn’t seem a big difference, the reality is that when you are sitting in a kneeling chair, you are putting a lot less pressure on your spinal discs. 

In case you work at home, you may want to take a look at these home office chairs.

  • Your back pain will tend to disappear when you use a kneeling chair. The truth is that due to the fact that your hips slide forward, your weight will be evenly distributed. So, you will be reducing spinal compression as well as lower back compression. 
  • Just like most traditional office chairs, the best kneeling chairs allow you some adjustments. This way, you can easily adjust the seat height as well as the angle of the slope so that you can be comfortable. 
  • Even though you may want to try out a kneeling chair, this doesn’t mean that you need to put your traditional office chair aside. The truth is that you can use both at the same time. 
See also  How To Choose A Kneeling Chair

Make sure to read our unbiased Varier Variable Balans kneeling chair review.

Disadvantages Of Kneeling Chairs: 

  • When you sit for a very long time on a kneeling chair, you may notice some pain on your shins. And this happens because of the extra pressure that you are putting in this part of your body. 
  • You may feel that your movements may be a bit restrictive. The truth is that when you sit on a kneeling chair, your legs will remain almost in the same position. In addition, and on the contrary that occurs with traditional office chairs, kneeling chairs don’t have wheels. So, your legs may feel somewhat trapped. 
  • In case you are constantly getting up and sitting down, a kneeling chair may not be the best option for you. 
  • If you need to sit for many hours straight, you may notice that the circulation to your legs may not be good. 

So, are kneeling chairs good for you?

Yes, absolutely. When you are trying to improve your posture and a decrease in back pain, kneeling chairs should be considered. However, you also need to take into account the drawbacks of using one regularly. 

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