Office Chair Maintenance Office Chairs

How To Replace Office Chair Piston

With more people having desk jobs, it’s not a big surprise that office chairs are more popular than ever. And the truth is that you have office chairs for all preferences, for all budgets, even for the pickiest people. However, it is also important to notice that office chairs don’t last forever. Not even when you spend $1,000 or more on one. While they tend to last longer, the truth is that sooner or later, you will start noticing some problems.


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One of the most common issues that people usually have regarding their office chairs is the inability to adjust the chair up and down. And while you may not be adjusting the seat height every single day, you want it to work when you need it.

So, in case you noticed that you are having these issues, one of the most probable causes is the office chair piston that isn’t working as it should anymore.

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In case you don’t know, most office chairs use a pneumatic cylinder to adjust the seat height. This cylinder is between the seat and the wheels of your office chair. Inside it, you will be able to find the office chair piston. So, how can you replace the office chair piston and ensure that your office chair continues to allow you to adjust the seat height as it used to?

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The truth is that it is quite hard to replace just the office chair piston. So, most people prefer to change the entire cylinder. While it is possible to do it, it is hard and, sometimes, you may end up affecting the entire system. So, a better option is to replace the entire cylinder at once.

So, here are all the materials that you need:

  • Screwdriver or a pipe wrench
  • Rubber mallet
  • The replacement cylinder that you can buy online
  • WD-40, only in case your office chair is already old and you experience some difficulties to remove the different parts of the chair.



So, here is how you can easily replace the cylinder of your office chair instead of the office chair piston:

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#1: Put the chair on its side and just use the rubber mallet to separate the base of the chair from the seat.

#2: As you can see, we haven’t touched the cylinder yet and it should be on its original position. So, just grab the pipe wrench and clamp it tightly to the top of the cylinder. Now, you just need to twist it and pull up so you can finally remove it.

In case you are using the screwdriver, you may notice that there are some bolts that you can unscrew at the bottom of the seat.


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If you are having problems separating the different parts of the office chair, you should use the WD-40. Make sure that you apply it to the joints and just let it sit for a couple of minutes. Then, try again.

#3: With the cylinder off the office chair, you can now replace it for the new one that you bought. All you need to do is to insert its bottom into the center of the office chair base.

Then, make sure that you lift the chair cylinder and the chair base at the same time, in a gentle way, into the chair mechanism. These will allow the parts to fasten on their own.

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