Office Ergonomics Pain At Work Sitting Posture

How To Reduce Back Pain At The Office

When you are a desk worker, you need to spend a lot of time sitting. This ends up bringing a lot of back pain since the human body isn’t prepared to be in the same position for prolonged periods of time. 

Discover everything you need to know about office chairs.


Even though you need to keep working and be productive, this may be hard since you won’t be able to focus on your tasks. So, today, we decided to share some tips with you to help reduce back pain at the office. 

How To Reduce Back Pain At The Office

#1: Create An Ergonomic Workspace:


Simply put, in an ergonomic workspace, you can reach everything you need without straining. So, as you can imagine, office ergonomics encourages good posture. 

Here are some of the things you should keep in mind:

  • Position all your office supplies an arm’s reach
  • Adjust your monitor height so that you don’t need to lean forward or tilt your head
  • Adjust your monitor’s font size and brightness to ensure that you can remain in a good sitting posture throughout the day
  • Adjust your desk and office chair height to avoid leaning forward or straining upward. 
See also  The Top 5 Office Ergonomics Tips That You Need To Know About

Check out our how to guide about office ergonomics.

#2: Choose The Right Office Chair:


There is no such thing as this is the best office chair for everyone. Overall speaking, what may be a good office chair for you may not be the same for your colleague. However, one of the best things about office chairs is that most of them allow you to make different adjustments to ensure that you are comfortable and have good support. 

Notice that it is important to also keep in mind the office chair weight limit as well as its dimensions. 

Discover why is your office chair causing you back pain.

#3: Practice Good Posture:

The truth is that it is pretty easy to lose good posture especially when you are focused. However, you can only gain it back by practicing it. Overall, when you do this, you will be telling your brain that this is the right way to be. 

Here are some tips for practicing good posture when sitting:

  • Keep your head and neck aligned directly above your shoulders
  • Keep your back against the backrest of your chair
  • Keep your shoulders back and square with your computer screen
  • Keep your upper arms parallel to your spine by moving your chair close to your desk
  • Keep your feet flat on the ground and do not cross your legs
  • Keep your knees at a 90-degree angle and use a footrest if necessary.
See also  Do You Have The Right Sitting Posture At Computer?

Discover the best office chairs for lower back pain.

#4: Take Frequent Short Breaks:


We can not emphasize this too much. No matter if you are sitting on the best office chair for you, have all the materials you need nearby, and even if you are being able to maintain good posture throughout the day, it is still imperative that you take frequent short breaks. 

Ideally, you should stretch you back and legs at least once every hour by taking a walk and performing stretches. Even a short one minute walk can be very beneficial for preventing back pain. If frequent breaks are not possible, try to stretch at least three times during your workday. You can even perform dynamic stretches while moving from room to room in your office.

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