hip pain
Office Chairs Office Chairs For Hip Pain

Why Does Your Hip Hurt?

If you are a desk worker and you need to spend a lot of time sitting on your desk, then you may have already experienced hip pain.

What Is Hip Pain?

Hip Pain

Simply put, hip pain is the general term for the pain that you feel in or around your hip joint. 

One of the things that you need to know about hip pain is that in most cases, you won’t actually feel the pain in the joint. Instead, you may feel it in your thigh or groin. 

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What Causes Hip Pain?

The truth is that many different conditions and injuries can cause hip pain. These include:

#1: Inflamed Tendons:

This is the number one cause for hip pain. In most cases, this is due to too much exercise but there are many desk workers who may suffer a tendonitis in their wrists. When you need to spend a lot of time writing on the computer and you don’t adopt a good posture or your office chair doesn’t allow you to make adjustments, then you may start suffering from inflamed tendons. 

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#2: Arthritis:


You should keep in mind that the most common cause of long-term hip pain is arthritis. In case you don’t know, arthritis can cause pain, tender, and stiff joints. Notice that you may even start having difficulty walking. 

#3: Thochanteric Bursitis:

Simply put, this condition occurs when the bursa, which is a liquid-filled sac near the hip joint, becomes inflamed. But why does your bursa get inflamed? Well, this can also be due to different reasons. It may be due to poor posture, overuse of joints or simply due to hip injury.  

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#4: Hip Fractures: 

Hip Fractures

Hip fractures tend to be quite common in older adults. The truth is that the bones become more fragile as you grow older and you may also suffer from other conditions such as osteoporosis that may also cause a weakening of the bones. 

When you suffer a hip fracture, you need to seek immediate medical attention. After all, there are some complications that come up if you don’t seek help. This may include a blood clot in the leg. 

#5: Snapping Hip Syndrome: 

While this is a less common cause of hip pain, it still occurs, especially in athletes and dancers. However, and unlike what you may think, this is something that can happen when you are simply getting up out of a chair or when you’re walking. 

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It’s important to notice that this may not cause any pain at all. It varies from person to person. 

As you can see, there are many different causes that can lead to hip pain. While hip pain doesn’t affect everyone in the same way, it does affect your daily routines. After all, if you have difficulty walking or getting up out of a chair, this affects your routines. 

What Can You Do?

What Can You Do

If you notice that your hip pain tends to get worse after you spent a lot of time sitting at work, then on of the best things you can do is to buy yourself an office chair for hip pain.

In case you don’t know, there are some office chairs that are designed especially for people who suffer from hip pain to ensure that they are always comfortable and get a good support for their entire body. 

While a good office chair should always be considered, the reality is that you want to ensure that you get one tailored for your specific needs. And in this case, you need to look for a good office chair for hip pain. 

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