5 Ways To Fight Fatigue While Using A Standing Desk
If you just decided to change to your new standing desk, then you are probably still trying to adapt to this new way of working.
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The truth is that while change may take some time to adapt, the truth is that using a standing desk does bring a lot of benefits. However, you need to know how to use it the right way to ensure that you fight fatigue.
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5 Ways To Fight Fatigue While Using A Standing Desk
#1: Don’t Stand In The Same Position All The Time:
Just like when you are sitting at your traditional desk, you need to ensure that when you are using a standing desk, you also keep changing positions.
One of the things that you should consider is to have some kind of footstool. It can simply be a stack of phone books or just a card box since these can allow you to keep changing your position. Notice that while you keep moving when you are working, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take consistent breaks throughout the day.
Discover the advantages and disadvantages of a standing desk.
#2: Choose Your Shoes Carefully:

Since you are going to be on your feet all day long, then you need to pay extra attention to your shoes. As you can easily understand, this means that you shouldn’t wear high-heel shoes. However, the kind of shoes that you wear depends on how you feel comfortable. For some people it may be running shoes, for others, it may mean to work barefoot.
Take a look at 7 ways to exercise at work.
#3: Maintain A Good Posture:

Good posture is always something to keep in mind. We don’t even have to tell you how important good posture is for your overall health.
So, whenever you stand, you should squeeze your buttocks muscles together, without tucking your rear end in under your pelvis too far or sticking it out behind you too far, either. At the same time, you need to tighten the muscles in your stomach, but not to an exaggerated degree. Don’t tighten the muscles as much as you would if you were expecting someone to punch you, for example. Instead, tighten your stomach muscles to about 20 percent of your best effort.
Once you have these two aspects of your posture under control, simply let your arms hang down by your sides and roll your shoulders back naturally so that your thumbs are facing forward. Even when you sit down, you should try to maintain your torso in this position.
#4: Vary Between Standing. Sitting, And Walking:

As you already know, it is important to keep changing positions at work. So, while you may now stand almost all day, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t sit down as well as walk. In fact, this is beneficial. Every now and then, you should take a little break and go for a short walk, even if it’s just around the office. To make switching between sitting and standing easier, you may wish to invest in an adjustable standing desk. Or you may simply wish to have one work surface that you stand at and another that you sit at.
This is how to exercise at your desk.
#5: Buy An Anti-Fatigue Mat:
When you need to stand up for prolonged periods of time on wood, tile, concrete floors, or even carpeted floors, then you should consider an anti-fatigue mat.
Besides simply feeling good, the cushiness of an anti-fatigue mat keeps you ever-so-slightly off-balance, which makes you contract the muscles in your shins and calves. This contraction of muscles pushes your blood back up to your core to be re-oxygenated.