5 Unusual Office Chair Solutions to Help Your Back
When you are a desk worker, it is normal that you try out different office chairs to try to find the best comfort and support. After all, you just want to be able to comfort free from pain. But the truth is that while you may be using an office chair already, it may not suit your needs. So, you need to look for unusual office chair solutions.
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5 Unusual Office Chair Solutions to Help Your Back
#1: Standing Desk:

You probably already heard or read about standing desks and they may be one of your best options.
Simply put, a standing desk allows you to work while standing. While we understand this may seem a bit odd or strange, the reality is that it works for many desk workers. After all, standing engages your core muscles more than sitting, and it can lead to better posture and spinal alignment.
One of the best things you can do is to actually switch between sitting and standing.
#2: Recliner Office Chair With A Laptop Stand:

It’s probably not new to you that you should be able to recline your office chair. The ability to change the back reclining angle allows you to switch positions while you are working and helping you ease the pain. However, when you need to decompress your spine and back muscles, you want to adopt a more reclined position. But this way, you’re not able to do your work. But you now have a different office chair solution that may help you: a recliner office chair with a laptop stand.
This means that you will be able to recline your office chair as you want and still do your work since you have a laptop stand attached.
Discover the best reclining office chairs in 2020.
#3: Exercise Balls:

You probably already seen exercise balls at the gym but you have never even imagined that you can use them as an office chair solution.
The reality is that sitting on an exercise ball is an active process that requires you to constantly balance your body. When you sit on an exercise ball your body keeps making adjustments to stay balanced. This means that your core and lower back muscles are being worked. Besides, since exercise balls don’t have a backrest, you’ll need to sit with a better posture.
Read our unbiased Isokinetics Balance Exercise Ball review.
#4: Ergonomic Stool:

When you want to be more active at work, then an ergonomic stool may be a great option for you. Also known as an active stool or balance stool, it allows you to sit higher taking the pressure off your lower back. Besides, the pivoting base and the lack of a backrest require you to engage your core and practice good posture.
#5: Kneeling Chair:

The last option that we have on our office chair solutions list is the kneeling chair. Simply put, a kneeling chair comes with a padded seat that is angled forward to shift some of your body weight to your knees and shins. This way, your spine will be in a more neutral position which takes the pressure off your lower back.